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2024 Thanksgiving Baskets


English Lutheran Church will continue the tradition of sharing Thanksgiving baskets with families in need within our community, so that, they too might sit down as a family to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. This is an opportunity to not only bless but be blessed in putting together Thanksgiving baskets for those who need them.

You can help! Gather names, donate items, or help assemble baskets. Donations of non-perishable food for Thanksgiving Baskets may be dropped off at the church office. Please bring donated food items before Sunday, November 22nd. Any monetary donations can be put in the offering box or the church office. Please note Thanksgiving Basket on the donation.

Suggested items you could share:
Instant Potatoes
Canned Sweet Potatoes
Boxed Stuffing
Gravy Packets
Canned Vegetables

Assemble baskets: On Friday afternoon, November 22nd, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers are needed to assemble baskets at church.

Basket Pick-up: Families can pick-up their baskets on Saturday, November 23rd, 10:00 am – Noon.

If you would like to request a Thanksgiving Basket, please fill out this form: or click the button that says 'Online Request Form' below.

Deadline to request a basket is Friday, November 15th.

Thanks for sharing your blessings! †

If you or someone you know may be in need of a basket, please contact the church office. or 715-273-4617.

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